OpenX: POV (Promo Video)

Challenge: How can we promote the publication in a meaningful way?

Insight: Be non-boring. Use original artwork and illustrations to help crack the code on complex marketing problems, while sparking curiosity on the feeds.

Outcome: Promo Video — high concept, high execution promotion spot promoting POV as a rich content experience and unparalleled tool for digital marketers.

Role: Creative Director

Eventbrite: Brand Book

Challenge: Britelings love working at eventbrite, yet don’t always know how to spread that love as a brand 
Goal: Create a brand book that’s both inspirational and educational
Highlights: It’s digital, it has definitions and diagrams, it features an elevator pitch, it’s got a never-had-it-before core value prop, and it’s eventbrite’s first-ever Brand Book.

Eventbrite: Made For Those Who Do – Brand Campaign

Challenge: Hypothesis – Driving awareness and perception at the top of the funnel will act as a catalyst that fuels all marketing efforts of the business in the short term, while building long-term brand equity.

Insight: We are Global but events are hyperlocal. A city-based approach should allow us to connect with our audience in a deeper, more relevant and emotional way.

Outcome:As Eventbrite’s first brand campaign this was our opportunity to put our stake in the ground and show a wider audience what we do. We therefore wanted to create something that was ownable to Eventbrite, congruent with brand guidelines, and stood out amongst other brands in the category. [OOH (Digital Boards, Brooklyn Subway, ATL Shelter, Billboards), Social, Paid, Events, Mural, Influencer Challenge]

Role: Creative Strategist

Lunchables: IMC + Product Launch

Background: As part of the larger Project Potential campaign, “Keep the Smiles Coming” was a Lunchables “Now with Fruit” launch
Activation: Anchored by OOH executions in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, this was the biggest advertising and cause-related marketing campaign in its brand history, featuring: social media campaign; Times Square takeover with 7 digital video billboards; 5 interactive digital storefronts; donation to Feeding America.

Role: Lead Writer

Shutterfly: Catalogue

Insight: Americans still want prints of their photos (otherwise they just sit as files on their phones and computers)
Idea: Remind customers that they can “make” even more of the moments they share with love ones

Role: Lead Writer

ONSET Ventures: Rebrand

Challenge: How do you humanize a private equity firm for IT and medical technology industries?
Insight: Lean into their historically unwavering support — and how they envelop there clients with insight, hard work, and constancy through every step of the process
Idea: With ONSET, there is no magic number. No clever algorithm. No single formula. But there is one ingredient: the promise of support from start to success. This is our unformula to success.
Output: Brand Platform, Brand Messaging, Brand Identity, and Microsite

Role: Lead Writer/Strategist

Canadian Cancer Society: Brand Positioning

Insight: Realizing that people tend to ignore brand standards that read like legal documents, we created something that would be helpful and heartening. 
Goal: Rather than a document policing the brand, this inspiring guideline became a positioning story about L.I.F.E.—not cancer.

Role: Lead Writer / Strategist

Portable North Pole: Video

Background: What do you do with zero new assets, zero new budget, and few resources?
Goal: You create a beautiful video anyway.
Idea: The audience gets a whimsical preview of the themes and scenes available through the Portable North Pole by featuring reactions of kids receiving a video letter form Santa. What a thrill to be able to share secrets from Santa’s Village for all to enjoy. Note: Click image to play video (also watch the adorable teaser here).Link to teaser